Thursday, April 5, 2007

Single again....

Well today has been better. I think the weather and spending the night with S. on Sunday was still lingering yesterday. So I went over to the other building on my work campus and flirted with Safety guy. Safety guy approached me a long time ago for a date but I was still with S at the time so I politely declined. He is cute, older and funny as hell but 2 slight problem that I can’t believe I am going to even going to mention (well one more than the other). He has a bald spot, and he has an 8 year old daughter from a previous marriage. I am more freaked out with the bald spot can you believe that! I can’t believe I am that shallow. I have never been that way, or maybe I have. I don’t have to have the most gorgeous guy in the world but there are a few things that turn me off and that is one of them. Safety guy does send me hilarious emails and banter which make me laugh my ass off so maybe I will keep talking to him. I have not mentioned that S. and I broke up because I don’t want to be barraged with him asking me out. I did forward the happy hour meet up for next week to see if he would go.
As for Greek guy (long story will share later) he has been emailing me as well. He has this intuitive sense and would always email me when S. and I were having problems. He has been one of the only men whom I thought about besides S. as being with over the last 4 years only thing that sucked was the sex. He was weird about it, nervous; acting like he wasn’t interested in that….yet PDA and his affection would be showered on me all the time. I gave him a couple of tries in that department and he failed miserably. Unfortunately at the time love and great sex brought me back to S. well I am quite able to examine Greek guy again since the slut S. likes sex a little too much, maybe someone with a slightly less drive would be good and he was great to hang out with.
Last but not least on the single life of me, I set up a match profile and put some new pics on my Devil…I mean Myspace and I have gotten responses already so let the dating commence. I know S. will be out there sleeping around so why can’t I go out and have some fun (not sleep around but dinner and a laugh)? Only thing that sucks is that I have to see him at a wedding in about a month and a half, so I have to find a suitable date and I have to continue to look fabulous. Hmmm maybe I won’t even care what he thinks by then (hmmmm who am I kidding). I will post a little more later….(this is so great to be able to put all my shit out there totally open and honest).

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