Monday, July 9, 2007

I had a great weekend and a lot of fun…although I somehow became known as the “shed girl” this weekend. Friday at work sucked considering I did no work and it dragged out to the point where suicide seemed fun. Didn’t do much that night but Saturday I went to the gym (need to get my fat ass back in gear having a man who likes big asses is good but bad at the same time) and then to my friend Hairstylist parents house for their annual July 4th party. Every year it is bigger and better (open bar, twenty foot tiki bar, DJ, decorations, tons of food and decorations) but honestly I still feel like I am 15 around her parents and have to watch my alcohol intake. I was designated driver as well so I only had two margarita’s (pretty sure they were watered down too) and S. showed up after work. Well he got a little tipsy and went to pee behind the shed. Well I went to make sure he didn’t do anything stupid and when we walked out together all of a sudden Ed (hairstylist dad) was joking about what we were doing behind the shed? Nudge, nudge, wink, wink! What!! yeah right not there and not with family around (I can be a fun fuck but not a family and friends around fuck)…but everyone got a good laugh. So somehow I went from respectable engineer to trashy shed whore…..guess it could have been worse. Could have been trashy garbage pail girl?!

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