Friday, July 6, 2007

Too much testosterone...

Goddammit I can't take it any fucking more. I work with men, live with three guys and can't deal with all the testosterone. I swear it is getting me fucking depressed. Overall jist from all men is tits and ass, never will have ability to be faithful and after 35 you are fucked. I get that men think about sex all the time, but is every female in the world doomed and why is it all these men want it to be okay for themselves to fuck around but the girl isn't allowed to or she is a whore? How is this thinking possible or even logical. Don't get me wrong I love my guy friends and in certain aspects it is great to get insite into the male mind (it has saved me from alot of assholes) but for fuck's sake how much can I listen too...I feel like if I was with all women all the time I would feel the same. I think I need to go off and do my own shit for a while. I wonder how it would be if I hung out with hermaphodites? Would I get tired of both the pussy and the dick?

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