Tuesday, August 14, 2007

What is it with men and doctors

Listen I understand that men are considered the physically stronger (definately not mentally, hehe) but sometimes I am amazed at how men react to being sick. Take S. he will not take anything even advil if his head felt like a screwdriver was implanted in it, but to be honest he complains alot more than when I get sick. I think I was usued to just dealing with being sick on my own. I come from a family of 4 daughters (will fill you in on family later I promise) so attention was few and far between. Don't get me wrong, I have fallen ill and S. has been wonderful but what I cannot understand is how men will do nothing to help themselves heal or the complete oposite. A great post from "The company Bitch" (love that blog, if we lived closer I am positive we would drink alot together) showed how men universally react to sickness. So when people ask me why I think men live shorter than women on average. I reply "Because they are big babies who won't go to the fucking doctor!"

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