I was completely exhausted yesterday after little sleep on tuesday (thunderstorms still get to me) and then I went to a kick ass cardio and abs class. So as I walk in the door I was not my normal peppy self but more quiet and sullen due to the jello I called my muscles and brain. S. was a little concerned and went into sweet mode and decieded I need to go out for dinner and a few margarita's. It was very nice and then back home we went where the games were on. I lasted about a half an hour and I got up and went to bed. Now S. knows if you want some you have a 20 minute window from after that moment if we are going to bed at different times. No matter how tired or sick I will never withold sex from him (God for bid he did it to me) but he did not make it in so I passed out. ALLLLLLLLLLLL night I tossed and turned, woke up every two hours. IT FUCKING SUCKED and I am sure it sucked for S as well since i kept him up with my body flailings. As I wake up in a daze I apoligized to S for my shenanigans.
Me: I am so sorry if you didn't sleep well last night
S. You were definately moving around but its ok
Me: I don't know what the hell my problem is, I even went to bed early. What the fuck?
S. I know why you didn't sleep well!
Me: Oh really why is that?
S. Because we didn't have sex...(with a grin)
Me: Hmmmmm that definately could be it, guess that can't happen again can it because I need to sleep.
S. I love your thinking. Anything where I can help you sleep better i am on board.
NOTE: This theory of S. could be true since an journal article has linked lack of sperm to depression (which includes symptoms of sleeplessness).
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