Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Save the wine!

This little bugger
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(P.S. this is not my foot aka I shave my legs but the swelling and blackness are dead on. My foot is like a big balck fucking sausage!)

Can you believe it! I was so embarressed! There I am at this posh party starting to walk down the stairs as I tell the group of 15 in front of me "Hey everyone I would love to PLAAYYYYAHHHHH! I swear I fell in slow motion. The dog, steps and wine all came crashing together and as I fell forward all I could think was "SAVE THE WINE!" Not save the dog, or save me but rather the really great tasting red wine I had in my hand. So I broke my foot but the dog and wine was ok (I didn't spill a drop which everyone gave me a round of applause for, hehe).

On a side note percocets with wine are the best combo ever at night!


Alison said...

oh jesus....I thought your post was gonna be all cute and happy until i got to the bottom and saw the picture of your foot. Ouch!! Keep icing it, I hope it gets better in time for the weekend

Quarterlifegirl said...

Alison, thanks sorry for the bad punhc line, hehe...although my friends have been laughing about me saving the wine before myself!