Wednesday, December 19, 2007

The Mad Pisser

I fully believe my fiancĂ© has a sleepwalking/pissing problem that I do not know how to remedy. Every Tuesday S. usually goes out with friends for “big ass beer night” which includes bringing your own cup (any size) and draft beer for only three dollars. Sometimes I tag along and sometimes I don’t. (I love to do girlie stuff when he isn’t around like mud masks, and hair treatments)

Well last night I did not and I got a lot of Christmas wrapping done and watched Nip tuck (LOVE THAT SHOW). S. came home pretty early and he looked buzzed but not blatantly drunk or anything. We go to bed and within 20 minutes he get’s up with a groan and then gets down on both knees and almost starts to piss on a antique trunk we have in our bedroom. As I give him a good slap and drag him to the bathroom he is speaking incoherently about “2006 being sexy and retarded like I was”. He really didn’t make any sense but he did piss in the toilet (thank god).

He then proceeded to pass out on the floor in the fetal position. Granted S. looks hot naked on the bathroom floor but I know he wasn’t that drunk. Two seconds later he crawls to bed and passes out. I need to reiterate that when he came home he talked to me, wasn’t crazy drunk but basically looked like he had about 3 beers, happy but slightly tired.

I am beginning to think it is a sleepwalking problem because when S. is drunk you can tell from a mile away. He has done this before in the past 4 years but usually after massive amount of drinking. Not until the last two times did I notice it might not have anything to do with the liquor or beer. So does anyone have any idea how to stop a sleepwalking pisser?

Work News: I am attending the holiday dinner/party….MUST remember to not drink much and break other foot.


Anonymous said...

I have a friend who is famous for drunkenly pissing in the bed, in the corner of the room, on his wife, etc. Doesn't sound like S. was quite there but you might want to have that checked out. Or you are gonna have a lot of fun dealing with that for the next 50 years. Ain't marriage grand?

Quarterlifegirl said...

Hahaha, that is what I told S. "Do we need to get a diaper for you because I am not going to take care of this for 50 years, hehe!"