Monday, February 4, 2008


Holy shit my life is so crazy right now...between work being hectic, teaching a class (already got in trouble with my boss, YEAH), wedding preperations, trying to get some excercise, phone interveiws, job interveiws, birthdays, superbowl and trying to have a relationship with my fiance I feel like I am drowning! There are not enough hours in the day!

Will report more I promise!


Alison said...

i feel you sister..I miss your posts!

Kim & Dic said...

awww well keep with it..congrats on teaching again, i hope you show up toasted to at least ONE class

Anonymous said...

Feelin' you on the busy stuff. Times like these make you appreciate slow times more than ever. Good luck. Don't take it out on S.

Mr and Mrs Knutzen said...

Don't do what I did and stop blogging for 2 is hell to get back! You want to come back but then you have to read 2 months of posts for all your favorite blogs to catch up then your retina's burn from the pain of the computer screen. I'm just saying...

Quarterlifegirl said... sweet I miss reading everyone else and that is a priority at work today, hehe!

NYC girl: I seriously want to show up shit faced one day, but can't get fired just yet, hehe!

Harry: Hell ya I want the days where watching a DVR recording of Maury "parternity test" (You are not the father, you hoe!) is about all the excitement I have, hehe!

Seatlle girl: Totally missed your blogs, I still checked every couple of days.... You came back! YEAH