Friday, November 30, 2007

I love her!

Ok, I am exhausted (Repeat after me I AM NOT GOING TO MURDER MY FIANCE) from no sleep again but I love ALICIA KEYES and her new song. I love her voice, lyrics and the fact that she is one hot curvy chick! I do wonder somtimes if she is a lesbian which hey maybe I could turn to the other side for her!?


Anonymous said...

Congratulations! You've been tagged.

Valley Girl said...

Oh, her new album sounds amazing!!! I am in love with that slow song she just came out with about holding her like its the last time...forgot the title.

sophie n said...

i LOVE that song too!!!

Dana said...

I think there should be more women in the entertainment industry shaped like her...she looks healthy....not anorexic like most other celebrities.

Sipwine said...

Interesting, you are the third blog I've been to today with a "youtube" video up on their post.

Yours was the best song, closely followed by Frankie. ;)

Quarterlifegirl said...

Giveemhellharry: I don't have my ipod with me so I am going to have to do it tomorrow, I love being tagged!
Valleygirl: Hmmm can't remember it either? I think wine is killing our brain cells, hehe JK.
Sophie N: I think you and I love the exact type of musicians (all about the lyrics baby)
Dana: Hell ya, Please make it so women look like women and not 12 year old boys!
Sipwine: I usually don't but I kept listeing to it, hmmm have to check out frankies.

Jess | the Jess Journals said...

I totally love that song too! And Teenage Love Affair, since it reminds me of my first (and only) high school boyfriend, whom I only recently discovered I was still in love with. haha (long story.)

Anyway, love the blog! ;) xx