Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Short update

I can't write to much since I was out yesterday and work is fucking crazy! My boss sucks and the work load is insane. Basically S. is out of commission since he might have a slipped disk or something so I spent yesterday tending to him (will post more on that) and I will explain why I am getting to old to go to the clubs (somebody threw sprite in my fucing face!). I will take a lunch tomorrow to blog my little head of but for now just have to make it through the day and make sure S. is ok.

P.S. Insurance companies and Human resources can suck my pink asshole!

1 comment:

Valley Girl said...

Oh, helllllllllllll no! Someone threw a drink in your face? I hope S. has a slipped disk or whatever because he WHOOPED THEIR A*S for you! Please tell me someone got slapped.