Wednesday, November 28, 2007

So busy

I have been insanely busy at work while trying to secure a new job. I have a interveiw next week but we also have an Audit so I am trying to figure out a great lie for my boss, while trying to study for the interview. I also got a response back from another company located in San Diego. My job would still be in the Northeasy but training there would be cool (never been to Cali). I have been spending alot of time on the internet looking at other companies, putting out resume after resume in hopes of a career change. So I have been neglecting my blogger, my outlet, my sanity. I will update more stories at lunch but for now back to the corporate slavery I love!


Anonymous said...

I am not sure if calling the Northeast the Northeasy was intentional or not but that has to be the best regional label I have ever heard. Good luck on the job hunt.

sophie n said...

good luck in the interview! i'm sure you'll do great...

Valley Girl said...

Good luck!

Quarterlifegirl said...

Hahaha, I love you guys and thanks for the support!