Monday, October 29, 2007

Halloween 2007

Halloween is still one of my favorite holidays of all time! The party went well and when I say well I mean “I can’t remember too much of the late evening but the stories people are telling me are funny.”

Friday was low key with just MAC girl hanging over at our condo with S and I. She was a jem and brought over my favorite beer Blue Moon. We watched an advanced showing of “Tell me you love me” which is my new favorite HBO series. Now that we have Cox cable we have “On demand” which for some reason puts episodes of them on early. Do not ask me why but the heavens above must know that letting me see this early is almost as amazing as an orgasm. It was so nice to sleep in with S. and get some morning knookie around 11am.

Saturday during the day was busy I went to get my ring checked out (have to do it for the lifetime guarantee) pick up gift certificates for the party, get my nails done and get last minute stuff for my costume. Then I got home and set up my wireless internet (finally) so I can use the laptop anywhere in the apartment. Sometimes I wish I could blog at home but they risks S finding out. Plus I hate when people erase histories on the computer it basically means you have something to hide.

So as the night progressed I got myself ready for the Halloween party. Can I just complain for a second as to why as women we go through so much shit to look hot? I took a shower, blew dry my hair, straightened it, put a padded water bra on, fishnets, a body cincher, then the infamous painful but hot stripper boots. My feet are still aching from the party. I get everything on and go to the party. I immediately start with a beer bong and continue with shots, beer pong, flip cup and numerous mixed drinks all night. I was sooooo drunk by midnight, but a fun drunk. No drama, no fights, no crying, just laughing and good times. I apparently couldn’t stand my boots any longer so took them off and walked back to the car with just my fishnets covering my feet. Actually S. called it from a mile away. He said “You are not going to make it all night in those boots!” Good thing I didn’t bet him any money.

Part of the night is a blur but S. took really good care of me and was more sober overall. We got a DD to bring us home and I passed out immediately. When I woke up early (fucking body why can’t you stay asleep) my head felt like I had been hit with a 2 x 4 over and over. I was apparently coordinated enough to wash my face (yeahh) so luckily I didn’t have my makeup smeared all over me. I looked over and S still had his makeup on. He was dressed as prince so he had a dark mustache and sideburns covered dark but his gorgeous red hair was visible since he took off the wig earlier. While we had sex that morning I had to do everything to not laugh. I just closed my eyes until I reached orgasm.

Later after a nap and a failed attempt to try to get rid of my pounding headache we went back to Truck driver apt and helped clean up. I did not part take in the finishing of the keg since I was still recovering. Sometimes I have no idea how these guys recover from the previous night so quickly. Maybe I am just getting old. So I am back at work and want to rip my eyes out or at least been smart enough to call out.


Valley Girl said...

Man, the things we woman have to go through. I wish I just rolled out of bed looking cute. I'd have so much extra time on my hands.

Sipwine said...

hehe... I woke up at 4AM today... hungover... Crown/Wine will do that.

Ugh... at least I didn't arrive to work until 12!

Quarterlifegirl said...

valleygirl: Sometimes I wonder if it is us and ourselves that makes it so hard..usually guys do not notice all the extra work we put into ourselves.

Sip of wine: Ohhh you poor thing I feel you. Did you get to see Mr. Lust and make it a night of not only booze but some lovin!? Oh yeah!