Monday, October 22, 2007


I am exhausted so there will be no long blog today but a few updates nonetheless.

I have decided that my group of friends and I can make a reality show about our lives. We wouldn't even need scripting since craziness is everywhere. Fights occuring, drunkeness, hookups, injuries, and anything else you can think of. You might be thinking, oh dramatic girls but most of the references from above are the guys in the group. Hehe guess the tides are changing and men are embracing their dramatic queen side.

Halloween is coming up so let the craziness ensue. I have three, count em three costumes to decied from although I now think I am attending two halloween parties so at least 2/3 of the costumes will be used.

I need to lock myself in on Sundays, somehow a baby shower (so inform you of the craziness behind that later) became a 7 hour drink fest. It was hard to turn it down because my girlfriend Drama Queen moved back from florida. Drama queen is always the life of the party and can drink like a sailor, but she is exactly what her name describes. So like a bad after school special I succumbed to the pressures of good food, long islands and ciggerettes...until midnight! I am always feel shitty on mondays. Need to stop drinking (yeah right who am I kidding)

Not looking forward to tuesday...sure I will get no sleep due to S going out, getting drunk and snoring all night. I will not kill my fiance, I will not kill my fiance.

I bought some new clothes this weekend which felt great. I always feel guilty hence I usually don't spend alot on myself. Well three outfits and four pairs of shoes later I feel really guilty.

I will write more detailed accounts of the weekend when I get my head out of my ass...FUCK it's only 11:30! DAMMIT!

1 comment:

Valley Girl said...

I would totally watch your show!