Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Hypocrites and religion

Can I tell you how annoyed I get with people and their skewed view of religion! I had a discussion with a coworker (he is a doucebag to begin with but that is beside the point) about how Gay people are wrong, blah, blah, blah. His spouts out “That isn’t natural; God didn’t intend for that, the bible says is it a sin.” Well then I replied with a few points

1. Hmmm do you mind a woman on a woman? BIG fucking surprise that doesn’t bother him just men on men.
2. If the bible says it’s a sin and sinning is so wrong then why are you getting a divorce, cheating on your wife, having sex before marriage? Why are you not so against these things?
3. Wasn’t Jesus forgiving and not brim stone and fire with the people he hung out with back in the day? Technically he hung out with the lowest of the low and never shunned them or told them they were disgusting and going to hell.
4. What about back in the day when closed minded individuals considered a black and white person being together disgusting (my coworker is African American)? Was that a correct thought or just closed minded?

Do not get me wrong everyone has there opinions and a right to them, but how can you be a hypocrite and pick and choose parts of religion? Even though I am catholic I believe that the bible is mostly crap. (Hopefully I will not be struck down by a higher being) You are talking about men writing down what Jesus supposedly said. Uhh hello has anyone ever played telephone? The first scientific record of the New Testament was dated to be written 40 years after Jesus died (this was found through historical facts and carbon dating). So you are telling me things didn’t get skewed by time, and cultural influence. FUCK that….I am not a saint and not a fanatic catholic but I hate people who use religion to put others down.

I can only hope his only son turns out to be a great amazing flaming gay!


Valley Girl said...

Oh man, don't even get me started on this subject. I hate the way the right always is thumping their bibles, judging everyone, and then get outed for being in bathrooms soliciting sex from men, or molesting their page boys. *shakes head* God, I can't wait for '08!!!

Anonymous said...

We all have colleagues that suck miserably. I hope yours' son turn into a gay with attitude.

Kim & Dic said...

people will always use religion and the bible any way they want and misinterpert it to fit their needs, some famous quote somewhere says that even satan can use quotes from the bible

Quarterlifegirl said...

Valleygirl: I once got thrown out of a bible group that my friends dared me to attend in college. Needless to say me telling them all they were not very Jesus like did not go over well.

modobs: We can pray can't we....we can all pray (no pun intended, hehe)

NYC girl: Ohhh love that, I will have to use that the next time this close minded fuck opens his mouth.

Valley Girl said...

I just noticed that you like Staind, too! One of their particular albums got me through a v. hard time in my life. I think I must've played "Its Been Awhile" a gazillion times. You're cool.