Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Ambition and drive have disappeared!

DRIVE…aren’t you supposed to have that at any job you work at? I swear I was more passionate about bartending and waitressing than my current corporate position! I was at lunch with a co-worker of mine who was actually created for this field and he was even bored with what we do.
I seriously become narcoleptic in meetings longer than 15 minutes (drool on your face is not very professional) and cannot stand the content of what I am doing. Plus another coworker (one that I actually like) is leaving as well. Soon enough I will be a lone ranger walking the halls with assholes that I can’t stand and a job that makes me want to rip out my fucking eyes, and use a hot poker to stimulate my brain.
Worse part about it is that I have no fucking clue as to what I really want to do in life, just kind of went along with the science field because it made me look smart and biotech labs have great benefits (hmm would have sold the corporate monster my soul too but the devil took that years ago). So I basically surf the net (I have put a erase board on my cubicle wall to cover the lower half of my computer screen from people entering the office) while pretending to be busy. Guess I should get on and start figuring shit out.

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