Thursday, January 10, 2008

I Desire some hooky time

Yesterday was great! S. and I played Hooky from work and we have not done that in ages. We basically stayed up late (called out early) and slept until 11am. Naked and warm in bed we had amazing lazy sex (where you spoon while having sex so limited energy except to cum is needed) and then I made him breakfast.

After breakfast we just bummed around naked all day (GOD I love having our own place) and I got a little planning for the wedding done. We are booking our honeymoon which I cannot wait. It is called Desire resort in Los Cabos, México. It is a nude, adult only resort that looks gorgeous.

We went to Hedonism in Jamaica last February and it was amazing so this place is similar just newer. S. and I hate wearing clothes and if we could move to one of these resorts we would. Best part is we are staying for 10 days! None of this week bullshit, plus lets face it you basically spend two days traveling so we will have 8 real vacation days.

These resorts are fabulous, no people under 21 and they do them nights at the clubs at night. Things like retro, lingerie, and toga. Last year we dressed up for the Pimp and Ho night and let me tell you S. and I went overboard. He even had a PIMP cup like Lil John, YEAH!

On another note I am planning my girlfriends bachelorette party (I am a maid of honor) and in the process of booking a stripper. Low and behold I didn’t know he would call me at work. This could be an interesting conversation. I think I need to keep my voice down while I ask questions, hehehe!


Jess | the Jess Journals said...

Aw, sounds like you had a lovely day...I need one of those with my man!! :)

sophie n said...

i'm so jealous! I've always wanted to go to cabo!

also, i've always wanted to go to a nude beach...they don't seem to have too many of them out here my way...

but you sound so rejuvenated from your hooky day! you should do it more often... : )

Alison said...

oooo the honeymoon is the best part of wedding planning!! I love naked weekends....but my BF and I have been too busy lately to have one of those. :(

Quarterlifegirl said...

I think I am more excited about the honeymoon than the wedding! I think all of my fine blogging ladies should take a hooky day soon.