Monday, January 7, 2008

The wedding shit.

So I know I haven't posted much about my upcoming wedding, I guess I do not want to be one of those bridezilla's but I have gotten alot done. I actually got into a little tiff with S. last night over money regarding the wedding. Not a big one but definately annoying to fight about honeymoons and him getting a second job.

I actually have had to get a second (technically third) to help pay for this wedding due to a huge fucking irish catholic family and the soul sucking over priced market they call a wedding mill. I am teaching a community college intor to Bio class starting the end of this month which will help me with about 4 grand. S. on the other hand just keeps working but not going above. I wouldn't care except he is hell bent on going away for 2 weeks to Jamaica. I would love to but I don't think it is in our budget. AKA....go get another fucking job if you want it that bad. Hmmmm maybe I should have delievered that better. So we went to bed angry at each other, which I am learning to do (doesn't happen very often).

I am sure it will blow over and hopefully my researching and googling skills will help me land a great deal. Sometimes I just don't even want the whole wedding crap annoying and stressful.

Back to work.....


Jess | the Jess Journals said...

Eek, sorry about that...weddings are seriously stressful, and all I know about them are the articles I write on them for work!!

Good luck...

sophie n said...

that sucks...

sounds so stressful but i'm sure the day will be worth it!

good luck finding good deals!

Quarterlifegirl said...

Thanks ladies, things are better and we booked a place today! YEAH