Thursday, December 3, 2009

Reunions and such.

So I took on the role of dork and organized my 10 year reunion. Now what you have to understand is that unlike many people I LOVED high school.

I was not miss cheerleader or popular but more of a social floater. I had my 3-4 close girlfriends and then was nice to everyone from the hot top of the food chain girls (which I will comment on later) down to the dorky band geek. I never cared what group you were in and was involved with everyone.

I have always been a weirdo in the sense that I went to tons of raves, partied like I lived in the seventies but also got straight A's in advanced science courses and was in National honor society. Hence my parents did not know what to do with me. I would come home from a boys house get yelled at and then praised for making honor roll. So in high school I think I was dubbed smart, science, art party girl. Try that dichotomy on for size.

So besides my tangent I started organizing this trip down memory lane like 8 months ago. It went over very well but there are a few things that went well and other things that pissed the fucking shit out of me.

A. I hate that I (via facebook) asked everyone about dates and venues and everyone seemed excited and good. Then a week before all these idiots had lame excuses to not go. Uhhh hello fuckface you knew about this 8 months ago, 6 months ago, 4 months ago, 1 month ago...when I sent out repeat reminders. If you had a kid I maybe understand it....besides that your just fucking lame in my book.

B. I need to not show my fun alchololic side so much to people. As a good part of my family we over compensate with school and jobs to hopefully cover up our extreme party habits. Do not get me wrong work, and responsibilities come first ALWAYS but if I have a free night...YOU better believe I will be three sheets to the wind dancing, laughing all night followed by a cab ride home, a bill I regret and a hazy recollection of what happened. I feel as if this is my last year before I have to pony up, have children and be responsible for real!

C. I love that the really hot girls who had boobs in high school were either fat, single, or gong nowhere. On the other side I loved seeing the dorky girls either got hot, have amazing lives and hot husbands and happy lives. It has got to feel good to finally realize high school is just a speck of nothing when it comes to your whole life.

D. To the cheap people who showed up without paying all I can say is go fuck yourself. I HATE cheap people they should be shot just on principle.

Overall the reunion was alot of fun and worth the work....although the school can find someone else at the twenty year mark to do it next time.

P.S. Booked my trip to Vegas for May with some girls.....can only imagine the stories.


sophie n said...

planning is always stressful but i'm glad you had fun overall...

can't wait to hear about vegas!

sophie n said...


i like that heart's pretty!!