Sometimes I feel like God, Buddha, Siddartha, Allah or whoever is up there likes to fuck around with me a bit…nothing horrible but always reminds me to keep a level head.
I have this amazing crazy time right now between the new job, teaching, and wedding shit that I feel pulled in two but this weekend was very ironic to say the least. I got my wedding dress and it is gorgeous and makes me feel amazing but two weeks before my new job my shit box car decides to shit the bed. What the fuck! Seriously two weeks before I get a new car!
So here I am reverting back to 15 and calling people and coordinating rides. It’s so weird not having a car because until you don’t have one you never really appreciate how much you use one. I actually forgot for a second that I didn’t have one and said to S. “I am going to get alcohol tonight”…. walked out into the parking lot and then looked around like a confused senile old lady until I realized I was car less. Luckily the liquor store is less than a block away! I felt like a homeless alcoholic walking home in the dark with a brown paper bag. (Side note: why the hell did my fiancĂ© not offer to come and carry his own damn microbrew?)
On a different note need to remind myself over and over again that 3 martinis, 4 glasses of wine and two shots may seem fun in the beginning but your need to vomit will over take that fun. Lying on the floor of your bathroom is not acceptable at 26.Please say this over and over to yourself….
I have to remind myself that all the time. I am the worst listener.
Oh heavens, you're never too old to get tanked. I have a fond memory of being very hung over with my mother one snowy, headachy New Year's Day when she was 45. It was kind of fun.
The vomiting part, certainly, is less desirable.
Anyway, I'm doing this tagging thing on blogs I like (yours won a prize). Play along if you like. Ignore it if you don't.
The rules are as follows:
# Link to the person who tagged you
# Post the rules on your blog.
# Share seven random and/or weird facts about yourself on your blog.
# Tag seven random people at the end of your post, and include links to their blogs.
# Leave a comment on their blogs so that they know they have been tagged.
i have always believed that whoever is up there, has a serious sense of humor...
seems like you've heard that too...
: )
206 girl- I think I suffer the same, hehe..wiat what did you say, JK.
Miss Adventurous: Nice to hear your mother and you share the same past time as I do with my mother, hehe
I will so continue the Meme, and thanks for the tag!~
Sophie: What is the old saying when it rains it pours and that is for good and bad right?
ahhh never feel bad about your drinks,(shots/wine) you only live once and ...hmmm well that is about all on that one!
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