One of my friends sent me a meme with the following questions below. I don't do these alot but why not right?
1. Four Jobs I have had in my life:
Research Scientist
Public Relations Assistant
2. Four films I can watch over and over again:
Chronicles of Riddick
Forest Gump
3. Four places I have lived
That is it...I am so fucking lame, HUH!
4. Four TV shows I watch
Law & Order (all of them including SVU, Criminal Intent and the orginal)
The L word
5. Four places I went on vacation
Cape Cod, MA
Dominican Republic
I am going to Los Cabos Mexico in June!
6. Four internet sites I visit alot
Post Secret Blog
Go fug yourself
Drew Curtus' Fark. com
Job sites to find a new one
7. Four dishes I couldn't/wouldn't want to eat
Monkey brains
mashed potatos
8. Four dishes I love:
Steak and potatoes
Breakfast food (eggs, pancakes, bacon)
Garlic flavored triscuits with garden vegetable cream cheese (It's a dish to me)
9. Four places I would like to be right now:
At home in bed naked with my fiance sleeping
Los Cabos, Mexico
At a bar sipping a glass of wine
10. Four people to tag:
I'm a craigslist whore
Confessions of my so called life
A girl's relationship with Seattle
Habitat for Inhumanity
ooohh...i LOVE sushi!!
thanks for the tag...i love doing these things...
hmm...gotta think on my answers...
Mashed potatoes among the things you won't eat? Have the communists gotten to you or something?
Thanks for the tag. Post to come once I shake this damn flu.
mashed potatos???? how is that possible?? they are so good!!...and BOO to being a PR assistant (been there, done that, have bad stories)
I haven't been around in a month, and I have to say, I like the new layout! :)
Sophie: I think the last meal I would eat if I was being electricuted would be sushi!
Harry: My father says the same thing, that I am not a true irish girl or american, hehe!
NYC girl: Can't help it the texture kills me! PR ass job was not as awful as my current job!
Sipwine: Thanks for the compiment and totally missed your blogging! Glad you are back!
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