I seriously have not done a lick of real work today! I have had stupid pointless meetings and surfing the web. I just can't get into any of it. I need to get on the job hunt today. I am such a cyclical person. I will be so diligent and anal retentive for like 2 months than nothing. I seriously hope my bosses never realize that they are paying me to
1. write my blog
2. post discussions on criagslist
3. email everyone all the fucking time
4. look up new jobs and wedding shit
5. smoke ciggerettes
6. be a lazy piece of shit
Why do I want to leave this job again?
Honestly I know this sounds like an excuse but I hate my fucking job so I usually have very little motivation. I get what needs to be done and I am somehow faster than my coworkers but I really could be working faster and better.
Onto other news do you remember Greek guy? He is the back and forth guy who I could have really seen myself with but he was horrible in bed and after several attempts i couldn't break myself from S. (who is amazing in bed and I have been in love with for 4 years). Honestly I used to call him whenver S. and I were fighting to make myself feel better (I know I can be a fucking bitch sometimes) but it is hard because pretty much besides the sex thing greek guy was great.
So I get an email out of the blue from him and he was asking about me getting married and I replied back. The next email I got was from him saying he was getting married. Whoah...not that I am not happy for him but we talked in April and he had just broken up with a long term live in girlfriend and I know he wasn't dating anyone (He asked me out) and all of a sudden 8 months later he is getting married? Hey I guess to each their own, rushing isn't for me but some people don't mind. He is pushing to meet for drinks which I am all about but I get this weird feeling he is doing it to prove to me he is over me, which honeslty I don't care...So I am going to go to see what the deal is (update to follow). I hope he isn't so fucking bizarre in bed with his fiance as he was with me..the poor thing.
1 comment:
ooo wow...you've got balls to get drinks with him. Whenever I've gotten in fights or broken up with my boyfriend, Ill date someone for a little bit. but as soon as we get back together...it's cold turkey, and i cut the other guy off completely. too risky, haha. let me know how it goes~!
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