My mother after years of slaving away in her own graphic design business she has gotten back to her roots and started to paint with oils and pastels again. At 55 years old she is not only getting alcolades for her work (gallery, shows, etc) but also doing something she loves.
I have been lucky and honored to do some modeling for her but recently she had S. and I pose for her for a selection she is doing of night romatic poses. A gallery is having a show and that is the theme. Since I am anonymous and have never shown what I look like I figure the following painting is anonymous enough since you can't see our faces but get the idea.
While posing S. and I almost felt like we were in a porn with my mother as the director, hehe! What do you think?

On another note I have started to go to Water aerobics at my gym since I can't really do anything else due to my broken foot. I walked in earlier this week and I was the only person below the age of 50! My fellow aerobic freaks looked alot like this....

Well maybe not that sexy but you get the idea!
Ok, first of all - the painting is beautiful!! Your mom is incredible!
Second of all - the old man....EEEEWWWWWWWWWWW
oh. my. gosh.
i may never want to go near a penis again...
As I scrolled I went from "Awwwww" to "Ewwwww"
Its amazing what a little vowel does to express my emotions.
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