Friday, October 23, 2009

A bad worker

I do not know what my issue it...I have been so busy that I took today off. Last minute vacation. So tell me why I am doing laundry and cleaning my condo! I have no idea how two people make so much fucking laundry.

On another note my good girlfriend from college is coming up to visit. I wish it wasn't from a bad situation though. The poor thing was with her partner for years and she recently got dumped. I feel so bad and hate to see her in pain! I wish I could take all the pain away but I know (I think everyone has been there) besides listening to her and time will help.

Well maybe alot of wine, and bitching will help...


sophie n said...

you have this amazing empathy but also have a great ability to put things in perspective...she's really lucky to have you!! Hope you guys have fun, even under the unfortunate circumstances... : /

Lila said...

Wine always helps :)

p.s. Love your blog! Been reading/lurking for awhile...

Quarterlifegirl said...

Thanks ladies, I think we have all been here and probably more than once which is why it sucks because you know that nothing actually makes your feel better! I will try my best!