Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Hmmm fantasies

Ok so I love S. more than life itself and we have a great sex life but honestly the other night I fantaqsized I was having sex with Edward from the Twilight series! Seriously I just saw the movie and damn was the guy hot! Only thing that kind of upset me was the actor is only 22! Holy shit I officially am starting to feel old.
I feel like I am 18 in my mind but apparently the clock does not stop. I am starting to get smile lines! WHAT THE HECK! I need to stop laughing and smiling apparently.
On the front Thanksgiving is coming up and I really could do without. Do not get me wrong my family is great and we have a blast but Thanksgiving is not my favorite holiday, food is ok but kind of boring. I am not a football person and most of the parts of the dinner I could do without. I hate cranberry sauce, mashed potatoes (I know my parents want to kill me), and candied yams...so pretty much I only enjoy stuffing, and the turkey. Now I am a grown woman and will eat all of it but could do without. For S. it is a great day since he is a garbage compact man with a wooden leg. (Seriously annoying that he never gains any weight!)
I am sure I will have some ridicuolous stories from the night before or the day of so if I don't write before that I hope everyone has a great thanksgiving with their families and friends.

Monday, November 24, 2008

Pulled in every direction

Do you ever feel like you are being pullled in every direction. I love my life, I love my family and I love my friends but sometimes just sometimes I fell like it is too much.....
A. my best friend has an eating disorder and usually a mess, but I finally told her I would not be her friend if she wouldn't get help. She did but I feel like I need to keep her okay...

B. One of my friends has a boyfriend who is a crackhead, but the craziest thing is she is brilliant who has gone to a grad school that is an ivy league and is kind nice and good..

C. My sister had a miscarriage and now is pregnant about 18 weeks and happy but always on edge

D. My other girlfriend is broken up with a guy who hit her before she dumped him and I think she should not talk to him....

So with all of this happening I think a few thoughts

A. WHAT the fuck is going on, how did this happen

B. I need to not talk to anyone

C. How do I help all of these people that I love

D. I feel so lucky to be me

So mix all of that together and what you get is someone who is exhausted and happy to have friends but someone who prays that everyone will be happy. I have too many friends and my husband who se eme as this rock adn I am there but they never listen they never care, they keep spiraling out of control...I can only try and sometimes that does not feel enough....

Tuesday, November 18, 2008


I know I am the worst blogger ever, and there is no one to blame but myself. Soooo lets try and sum up the last 5 months. Started my new whiz bangy job which I love. I am a legal drg dealer who wines and dines medical professionals (I have lots of great fucked up stories to come...). I also got married which was great and it went so well and was a blast (lots of stories too) and still have a tendency to drink to much.
I still have the quarterlife craziness, hmmm all of a sudden I have become a baby machine or should be because to my parents there is absolutely no other reason to get married. My new name should be Mrs. Resistant to become a breeding machine just yet. Luckily my sister just got pregnant so that should hold them off for a while. I mean really what other parents besides irish catholics are asking you a month before you walk down the aisle when you are getting knocked up (after they offer you a drink). My response is " I have spent this long not trying to get pregnant and I would like to drink at my wedding?"
Lots of drama with the friends which will dedicate whole blogs for each of them. Luckily and knock on wood I have no craziness as of now. Family good, Husband good (sounds way to weird and almost snooty to say that shit) and work is good. I am holding my breath that this will last since I have never had happiness in all three at once ever. THANK you for that right now. I will be better about keeping up with this since I miss all of my bloggers!