Thursday, April 24, 2008

Hmmm is S picking up or...

SO I didn't go to bed until 2 am, due to my masturbation and blogging late last night (had to catch up on all my favorites, you know who you are!) and get this!

This morning at like 6 am S gets up and gives me the normal kiss goodbye while I am in bed, and I kind of wake up hug him and tell him "Ohhh I wish you could just stay in bed with me!" then roll over and go to bed.

He leaves the room and then comes back (not sure of time frame I was asleep) and he says Hey if you can give me a ride I can stay an extra half hour (his car is in the shop and has been taking the bus)I of course agree and he gets naked comes back to bed and we have great sex.

WHAT the hell?

Is he a mind reader....or looked at the history on our computer and saw me looking up tons of scottish/irish porn? I think the latter and you know what?

GOOD I got my sex

Remind self to continue to look up porn so he remembers that I need sex too.


Kim & Dic said...

i am very jealous right now...

Mr and Mrs Knutzen said...

I still haven't had my Good sex....Hopefully tonight! Glad you are writing again!

Anonymous said...

yay!! heehee

sophie n said...

i concur with everyone...

that and i'm a bit speechless...


In search of the light at the end said...

I just stumbled upon your blog and I feel like we are the same person; granted I've only read a few posts but they definitely hit a chord with me!

Anonymous said...

God I need a boyf. Mega Jealous, but good for you!
Your posts are really entertaining, I shall keep reading.